Networking & Wiring
Centralized Distribution & Networking

An All Safe & Sound designed and installed network is a home’s central nervous system and is the critical piece to integrating home systems.

A custom tailored centralized network allows for complete control and connectivity for every room, every application, and every budget without visible wires dangling everywhere.

The power of total systems integration control and continuous connectivity all are possible once a seamless, strategic, smart, stable, and scalable centralized hub is created.

Once we have designed, programmed, and installed the ‘homes brain’ we are able to enhance and enrich the system going forward based on the homeowner’s dreams and budget with passion, precision, and professionalism.

Structured Wiring Panel

Just as the human heart serves as the primary organ in the human body, a structured wiring panel too shares a similar role in a home and needs to be regarded as such. A scalable and properly sized structured wiring panel is important for presently planned usage but more importantly for future expansion. All Safe & Sound professionally trained personnel are aware of technologies continual expansion and usage within homes. As a result, we go with the bigger is better concept when it comes to deciding on a homes structured wiring panel. This ensures with minimal upfront costs a homeowner has the capacity for expansion without unnecessary costs, stress, and headaches.

Future-Focused Wiring

Since we have a home with a ‘brain’ known as centralized distribution and networking plus a ‘heart’ known as a structured wiring panel – we need to connect everything together with wiring. To keep the body-as-home analogy going let’s view wiring as a home’s arteries, veins, and nerves.

Due to the nominal costs of pre-wiring during new home construction and open wall remodeling we recommend a robust wiring plan for current needs and future expansion. As a result, homeowners will avoid unnecessary costs going forward and enhance resell value.

All Safe & Sound has developed a standardized wiring protocol that allows for: (a) compliance during all pre-wiring and retrofit wiring work, (b) reduced labor costs, (c) uniform look and feel, and (d) efficient and effective service and support calls.

When working with All Safe & Sound you will be provided a detailed wiring diagram, digital drawings of rack mounted equipment, labeling logic within the structured wiring panel, and an inventory lists of all equipment.